
Private Training Sessions
Private Sessions allow for focused work on specific Behavior Problems.
These issues include:
• Fear & Panic-related Behaviors
• Anxiety Issues
• Separation Distress & Anxiety
• Obsessive / OCD Behaviors
• Crating / Confinement Problems
• Unruliness / Non-compliance
• House-Training
• Leash Reactivity
• Pulling on Leash
• Aggression
• Owner-Guarding Issues
• Territorial Behavior
• Possessiveness
• Dog-dog Jealousy Issues
• Social/Relationship Dynamics
• Food / Bone / Toy Guarding
• Prey Drive Issues
If you have a puppy (a dog under 4 months of age), then you are in luck! We specialize in training puppies, with a program specially designed to create well-behaved dogs. This is not Obedience-based training or group classes where you ask you dog to SIT (many times) for a treat. Dogs are not returned, relinquished, or euthanized because they will not sit... or down... or assume some irrelevant physical position.
Dogs develop issues which are related to emotional and instinctual impulse control. Dogs bite, steal, fight, annoy, destroy, and kill... these are the behaviors that threaten a dog's residence status in the home. Teaching a dog to SIT on cue does not address any of these problems, nor does it tend to fix them.
If you would like to set up an appointment for private one-on-one sessions, please go to the Intake Forms Page here and find the appropriate form to download and complete in order to get started. Please call or email for the current rate schedule for Private Training Sessions.
For most behavior problems, it will be necessary to conduct the sessions at your home. However, if you live outside of my service area, you will need to bring your dog here (Carmel Valley) for the appointment. Also, in some cases, it may be necessary to start with sessions here for safety reasons or practical considerations, such as when addressing dog-dog leash reactivity.
Please Note: Currently, there is a waiting list for new Private Training clients. Please call or email to check availability before filling out the Intake Form. Thank you.
Telephone & SKYPE Consultations
When in-person sessions are not possible, a digital consult may be the next best option. A telephone call or a Facetime or Skype appointment can be arranged in order to discuss the issues you are having with your dog. Please contact me first so that we can determine if a phone consultation is right for you. Follow the link here to go to the Phone Consult page for more information on setting up a phone, FaceTime, or Skype consultation appointment.
Group Classes / Courses
Group Courses are small classes designed for maximum individual participation and interaction. Please inquire via email to find out when the next group class you are interested in will be held. To see a list of current Classes available, please see our Courses List here.
Guest Lecturer / Seminars
On-site Lectures can also be arranged for presentations to private groups and larger audiences. Topics range from Meta-Modern Learning Theory to Behavior Modification for Shelter Dogs to Rehabilitation and Management of Serious Canine Behavioral Issues. For more information on how to book a Lecture/Seminar, available Lecture topics, and booking costs/fees, please contact J Randy Davis
via email at randogdavis1@gmail.com
